First off, let's start with another one of my ridiculously easy DIY's that end up looking really lovely. I literally took a handful of rocks my kid had collected from around the yard, gave them a good washing in the utility tub, and then let them dry. I spread them out on a plastic table cloth and then simply spray painted them gold with something like Krylon 1000 Premium Metallic Spray Paint, Gold

Regular rocks are always lovely for adding a natural touch to a display, but by painting them gold I now had something to give a little extra holiday glam. I filled a vase with the gold rocks then topped it off with a few natural treasures from the yard, and volia!

One other way to add some holiday glam very inexpensively is to hunt down vintage brass. I collect it, I hoard it, and occasionally sell it. There are all sorts of lovely pieces to be found from peacocks to pineapples, but I think brass deer or a rocking horse are perfect for the holidays. Display your brass with evergreen branches, piniecones, or even glass bulb ornaments to add to the festive look.

Find the rocking horse for sale in the Valerie Tyler Collection Decor section:

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