With Winter almost on it's way out (Thanks for the predictions little groundhog!) I've been in the mood for lots of greenery this month and natural accents that exude Spring and Summer vibes.
With that as my inspiration, here's a few of my favorite things this month!
Highlights Seen Around the Web
I'm enjoying seeing the progress on The Mountain House by Emily Henderson. Bestill my heart over those wood floors!
When should you bring Spring Decor into your home? Liz (aka Liz Marie Galvan) definitely has the right idea.
Why am I suddenly in the mood for Robins Egg Blue? Oh yeah, this feature on collecting by color!
Let's shift track from collecting to cleaning...
(All about contradictions around here!)
Is everyone else going crazy trying to Spark Joy in their lives? I know I mentioned her last month. As a vintage dealer, Marie Kondo is inspirational to me. (weird when I make a living in stuff, right? It's quite true in my case though!) When your life is full of vintage and antique objects coming into and out of it, it's very helpful to focus on keeping only that which I absolutely love and keeping things clean, tidy and organized prevents hoarding!
I've been cleaning out the house and enjoying every minute. After cleaning out the closets, this pantry seen below in progress was the second project. Next up will be tackling the fridge!

#valerietylerspotlight of the month
One of my favorites from Instagram this month was this lovely kitchen from Rima Boyle Thanks for sharing on the #valerietylercollection feed. Loving all the Spring feels!
Do you want to join in? If you are on Instagram and have lovely home decor you'd like to have featured just tag #valerietylerspotlight to get my attention. I'll spotlight a few favorites each month either here or in Instagram stories!
(Hint: I LOVE vintage that fits in a modern setting, global style, and earth inspired homes)
Shop Spotlight
Lots of shop updates this month, with plenty of plant and nautical inspired decor. Here's a few favorites:
Lots of new nature photographs hit the shop too including this one!

Stay tuned because next month I'll be sharing a Spring home tour and linking to a bunch of other bloggers sharing some pretty amazing Spring decor inspiration! Wishing you a great month and hope you visit again soon!